Posts Tagged: pets

“When You’re Depressed, Part 2”

I continue to wrestle with depression, but don’t worry: I will not be making this the subject of every blog post. Life is too short for that.

However, I neglected to mention a couple of crucial things that help when I’m depressed: gratitude and my dog.

Gratitude is not being thankful when I feel like it. If it were, how could I be thankful when I’m depressed? Rather, gratitude is thanking other people, God, the universe—even myself—as an act of the will.

I added the words “even myself” to the preceding sentence almost without intending to. I had never thought of the possibility of being thankful to myself.


I can make my gratitude list, just as I usually do. Who can stop me? I can will thankfulness and express thankfulness, even when I don’t feel thankful.

Excuse me while I make a list of at least 50 things for which I’m thankful.

. . .


And the other helpful thing isn’t a thing. It’s our little dog. She is eight pounds of love and devotion. Her loving and accepting spirit is a better witness to God’s love and acceptance than most people are.

Laylah loves to come upstairs with me to my work area. Sometimes, she wants to explore. But increasingly, she just comes up with me, curls up in my recliner (which is right next to my desk), and goes to sleep. Apparently, my nearness is enough for her.

Thank you, God, for Laylah!

Hey! I combined both themes for today’s anti-depression assault into one short, grateful sentence. Thank you, self!

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