“Even a Sliver of Light”

“For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” (2 Corinthians 5:6, English Standard Version)

I missed the total eclipse yesterday. There were a number of good reasons for this, but knowing that there are good reasons for something doesn’t negate the disappointment. Where we live, the sun was probably 98% obscured by the sun, but there was still a lot of light.

However, taking a break from weeding the flower beds, sitting with my sweetheart in our driveway, and basking in the premature early twilight—these were sweet realities. And one more thing: We both were amazed by how much light even a little sliver of the sun could give us.

Perhaps there is a parable in there for all of us. Of late, I’ve been struggling with depression. The passing of time and the passing of blood clots to my lungs and brain and heart can cast a shadow on even a basically happy person like me.

But there is God and there are good and beautiful things in this universe. And perhaps even a little experience of God and God’s goodness is enough to shed all the light I need, even when nearer things obscure most of the light for a little while.

Perhaps even a sliver of light is enough.

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