Posts Tagged: on not complaining


Here was my report and affirmation to my 12-step sponsor the other day:

Dear _____,

Today, my report and affirmation to my 12-step sponsor read as follows: “No violations, other than some passing fantasies.  I didn’t let them pass as quickly as I would have liked, but they did pass.

Today, by God’s grace, I will not complain about anything or anyone.  This includes myself.  Instead, I will be grateful, and will do whatever I can to serve God and others, in order to make this a slightly better world than it is right now.

My sponsor’s reply was at once an encouragement and a rebuke.  “So, I see a contradiction in your report and your affirmation. You said you did not let them pass as quickly as you would have liked and then you state that you won’t complain about anything. Relish your success.

Be secretly incredible today to tie in to your affirmation.”

I wrote, “Thanks so much for the correction!  You are right.

Thanks also for giving me a wonderful idea for a blog: “Secretly Incredible.’”

So, let me make a list of things about me that stand a chance of being “secretly incredible.”  Of course, since I am posting this, it will be an open secret.  So, here is a not-so-secret list of my current secret incredibles:

  • I am honest about my weaknesses, at least some of the time.
  • I am admitting to others some of my weaknesses, in order that they both hold me accountable and encourage me.
  • I am making positive affirmations, and trying to live by them.
  • I am aware of the danger and yukkiness of complaining, and am seeking to avoid it.
  • I am capable of having my contradictions pointed out without coming unglued.

What are your secret incredibles?  Most of us are aware of our faults and failings.  Are you also aware of what’s right about you?  Sometimes I think we hide all our secrets deep inside, unaware that some of those secrets might be just fine.



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