Posts Tagged: “Learning to Lean on Jesus”



“LORD, please prop us up on our leaning side.” (Prayer by an anonymous saint)

“I’m Learning to Lean on Jesus.” (Lyrics and title of a song)

“We all need somebody to lean on.”  (Bill Withers, “Lean on Me”)

These days, my daily affirmations tend to deal with pain.  That is because I am dealing with pain.  Here is my affirmation (in bold font), as part of my daily report to my 12-step sponsor:

“Dear ________,

Today, by God’s grace, I am learning to live with and learn from pain.  Whenever I need to (all of the time, I suppose!), I will lean on God.


My sponsor replied with the following:

“God provides support in many ways. Lean on family, friends, and furry friends.”


My reply to my sponsor’s reply turns on an ironic fact.  The “ironic fact” was my little dog.

“Dear ­­­­­­_______,

Just before I read your e mail, I looked down at my little “furry friend” sleeping in my lap, and thought of how much I love our dog, Laylah.

We all lean.  The only questions are:

  • Upon what or whom are we leaning?
  • Why are we leaning?
  • Can others lean on us?
  • Are we okay with all this leaning stuff?”

We spend a lot of time when we’re little learning to stand and walk on our own.  That takes more than a year.  The rest of our lives is spent learning to lean, and it is one of the most important lessons of life.  It is the other important part of the equation.  If we only learn to stand and walk on our own, we are only half human.

We like to think that we can make it on our own.  We can’t.  And if we could, it wouldn’t be good.

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