Posts Tagged: "How to Get what you Really Want"

“Three Excellent Questions about What I Want”

I listened this morning to two excellent sermons by Andy Stanley. They are the first two messages in the series, “How to Get What You Really Want.”

Stanley points out some real obvious truths that are not all that obvious when I want something. One of those not-so-obvious truths is that most of our regrets come about because we got what we wanted. I know this only too well. So, probably, do you.

Andy concludes his second message of this series by giving us three excellent questions to ask. In my own words, here they are:

  1. What do I really want?
  2. What is dragging me away from what I really want?
  3. How long am I going to let this continue to happen?

Now, before I get a lot of angry comments from my loyal readers, Andy Stanley is not talking about the health-and-prosperity-name-it-and-claim-it “gospel”. He is talking about what we really would want if we knew what was good for us. Stanley makes it crystal clear that he doesn’t naturally know what we really want. And our superficial desires are killing us and others.

These are three excellent questions, and I’ve been asking them repeatedly today. These questions have kept me from eating too much, talking too much (and saying things I wish I hadn’t), and playing too much chess. The questions helped me to buckle down and work on some projects I really wanted to do, but that I didn’t want to do.

One of those tasks was writing and publishing this post. I heartily recommend these questions for your consideration and action.

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