Posts Tagged: hate

“Fear as Love, Fear as Hate”

Fear can be part of love. Fear can also be a form of hate.

I am afraid to displease my wife. That is part of my love for her.

The Bible has a great deal to say about fearing God and respecting others. It also has a great deal to say about loving God and others. In both the Old and New Testaments, a proper fear (or reverence or respect) for God and others is a major theme. So is love. Apparently love and fear—or, at least, a certain type of fear—are not sworn enemies.

On the other hand, according to Proverbs 29:25, “The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is safe.” (English Standard Version) Apparently, there is a kind of fear that is not a good thing. In fact, I would go so far as to suggest that there is a kind of fear that shades off into hate.

This thought occurred to me today as I was struggling with why I hate new things so much. Of course, I could blame this tendency in me on old age. Why not? Old age ought to be good for something! Why not use it as a scapegoat—especially when you’re an old goat like me!

But here is my problem: Ever since I can remember anything (which is since I was about three years old), I’ve hated new things. When I go to a Mexican restaurant, I order the chimichangas. My wife asks, “Why don’t you order something different?” My usual response is, “Because I know I like the chimichangas. If I ordered something else, I’m afraid that I might not like it.”


I don’t like listening to new songs or reading new books or new genres of books. Why? I’m afraid that I might not like them.


I don’t like trying to learn new games generally. Why? By now, you know the answer.


But in a sense, all this fear is a form of hate. Hate is often just fear that has hardened into a snarling, vicious dog. So, what if my fears cause me to hate new stuff, new attitudes, even (God help me!) new people.

God says, of the new heaven and the new earth, “Behold, I make all things new.” I’m not so sure that I will like new things.

But maybe hell is a place where everything stays the same. And I’m not so sure that I would like that, either.

I would hate to miss out on the new heaven and earth, just because I’m afraid of new things.

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