Posts Tagged: gratitude for the good things happening to others



“thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18, The Message)

Even when I give thanks, I can be selfish about it.  Let me explain.

I often give thanks for what other people have done, is doing, or will do for me.  I give thanks for what God has done, is doing, or will do for me.  I give thanks for good things that have happened, are happening, or will happen for me.

Did you catch the little prepositional phrase at the end of each sentence in the preceding paragraph: “for me”?  It is less selfish to give thanks than it is to pretend that we are self-made and self-blessed.  However, it still seems like a low-grade form of selfishness.  And a low-grade form of selfishness is like a low-grade fever—a sign that all is not well.  I did not realize this until God got my attention this morning, and I actually obeyed.  Obedience is a wonderful Bible study tool!

So, this morning God challenged me to give thanks for some good things that other people are experiencing or doing.  Several people from my life group came to mind, and also a friend at the University who just passed the viva for his PhD.

After listing several things for which I was grateful that had nothing to do with me directly, I felt the joy of the LORD sweep over me.  So, my next item on today’s gratitude list was as follows:

“Gratitude lists.  How I’ve come to love doing these things!  They help get me out of the hellish echo chamber of my mind.”

I also thought of Paul saying, “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”  (Romans 12:15)  One aspect of this rejoicing is being thankful for good things that have nothing to do with us.

No matter how badly things seem to be going for me, or really are going for me, I can find some good things happening to others for which I can be profoundly grateful.  There is a boundless supply of grist for gratitude. 

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