Posts Tagged: circumstances


 I use my circumstances as excuses (even I know they aren’t reasons!) for doing stupid, evil stuff.  I didn’t sleep well (or enough), It’s cold and grey.  It’s rainy.  My wife is gone for several days, and I miss her.  My kids won’t speak to me.  I have to wait tables.  I can’t find a better teaching position.  I’m an addict.  On and on and on . . . .  Ad infinitum ad nauseam.

But here is the truth: I do stupid, evil stuff because I choose to do so.

And here is an even deeper truth: I can choose not to do stupid evil stuffInstead, I can choose to do something loving for someone else.  I can choose to praise God.  I can choose to do the next right thing.

Circumstances are not excuses for anything.  Circumstances are  . . ., well let’s face the truth: Circumstances are circumstances!

Profound, isn’t it?

Well, maybe it is profound in a rather obvious way.  Simple truths are the ones I most often trip over.  They could be stepping stones, if I would remember to walk in the light of God.  Instead I go stumbling around in the darkness of my own self-pity.

And that is the problem for me—self-pity, not circumstances.  I feel sorry for myself.  No amount of grey, rainy days can make me make bad decisions.  Not sleeping well can make me sleepy, but not automatically grumpy.

Years ago I read the following: “No matter of ocean can sink a ship unless it gets inside.”  I need to get out of the import business, when it comes to circumstances.

What would happen if I acted as if I believe what I’ve written here?

I think I’ll make some good choices and find out!


“Fear vs. Faith”

Perhaps I’m just being lazy today, or perhaps I’m being wise.  Maybe I’m being both.  In any case, I just read this, and thought it was so good that I would pass it along.

I don’t think that Jon Gordon is a Christ-follower, but he is most certainly a helpful writer.  I found his words so true and calming that I decided to simply send you a link to his free (yes, it really is free!) weekly newsletter.  You can, of course, subscribe to it yourself, and receive it in your e mail weekly.

Here is the link:, accessed 11-14-2016.


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