Posts Tagged: voice to text misspellings

“On the Living the Scalary Life”

Sometimes, I learn things on purpose. At other times, purpose doesn’t even come into the educational process.

I was dictating a text to an accountability friend of mine and didn’t proof the text before I sent it. After I sent it, I noticed that “scholarly” was spelled “scalary”. I had never heard of such a word, so I just had to look it up. (I guess some purpose did come into this matter after all.)

One website had the following definition of scalary: “resembling a ladder; formed with steps”,, accessed 10-22-2021.

Most of life is a scalary affair. That is, life resembles a ladder. We may wish for an express elevator to where we want to go and who we want to be, but there isn’t one, just lots of steps.

We were talking last night about transformation at my Christian community group. The leader pointed out that we have come-to-Jesus-moments, but we also need to put together a lot of stay-with-Jesus-moments. Yes indeed!

So, dear reader, my prayer for you and for myself today is that you and I will have a good, scalary day. May we take a few determined steps in the direction of being and becoming the people we need to be today.

Lets be scalary!  

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