Posts Tagged: timing

“The Fine Art of Timing”

Timing matters. This is true, no matter what the area under discussion. If you’ve ever had a timing belt go bad or break on a car, you know that the car won’t run very well or very long (or sometimes, at all) without a properly adjusted timing belt.

But it isn’t just in the realm of automobiles that this is true. Humor is as much about the timing of a punch line as it is about a funny joke or story. Same with music, cooking, and hitting a softball.

Timing also matters in human interactions.

For example, I am a morning person—a very early morning person. (I am writing this at 3:49 a.m. and have been up for an hour.) My wife, however, is not a morning person. Don’t get me wrong: She likes the morning. She just wishes that it could be a little later in the day.

So usually, I’ve been up for hours when the love of my life gets up. I’m ready to talk about everything in the universe by that time. She wants to ease into her day. She tries to be understanding with her chatty husband, but it ain’t easy.

When we are in close proximity with others, timing is golden. So is silence sometimes.

Perhaps I should memorize and live out a verse from the biblical book of Proverbs:

“Whoever blesses his neighbor with a loud voice,

rising early in the morning,

will be counted as cursing.” (Proverbs 27:14, English Standard Version)

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