Posts Tagged: the importance of what we say and seek


Have you ever known someone who was radiant? I’ve known a few people who were like that.

The word “radiant” is often reserved for brides and new mothers. However, most of the radiant people I’ve known were older folks. Many of them had not lived easy lives, but they knew God. To the best of their ability, they humbly followed God. To be in their presence was a delight.

E. Stanley Jones spoke of a young lady who looked as if she had swallowed a lightbulb. Yes!

The psalmist says that those who look to the LORD are radiant (Psalm 34:5). Derek Kidner has some good thoughts about the Hebrew word that is translated “radiant.”

“Radiant is a word found again in Isaiah 60:5, where it describes a mother’s face lighting up at the sight of her children, long given up for lost. Using other terms, Exodus 34:29 tells of Moses’ face shining as he came down from the mountain, and 2 Corinthians 3:18 relates this to a Christian’s growing likeness to his Lord. In other words, radiance is delight but also glory: a transformation of the whole person.”

Did you catch that? Radiance is “. . . a transformation of the whole person.”

Of course, such radiant transformation does not happen without some cooperation from us. This psalm tells us that we need to seek the LORD, call on God, take refuge in God.

However, this psalm also tells us that we must fear the LORD. The psalmist even tells us what he means by “fearing the LORD.”

Psa. 34:11         Come, O children, listen to me;

                        I will teach you the fear of the LORD.

12        What man is there who desires life

                        and loves many days, that he may see good?

13        Keep your tongue from evil

                        and your lips from speaking deceit.

14        Turn away from evil and do good;

                        seek peace and pursue it. (English Standard Version)

What we say and what we seek—if we are saying and seeking the right things—helps us to become radiant. Makes you want to be more careful about what you say and seek, doesn’t it?

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