Posts Tagged: The God who never fails

“The God Who Often Fails”

My wife and I attend a church that likes to sing praise songs and preach about the God who never fails. However, I suspect that God often fails.

Now before you stop reading or burn me at the stake or anything, let me explain. I am not saying that God is a failure. I am simply saying that God often fails. No better?

Let me unpack this a bit. The God I pray to and trust (at least some of the time) often fails . . . to answer my prayers. Yes, I know. “No,” and “Wait and while” are answers too. Still, it certainly feels like God has failed when he fails to respond to my prayers in the way I want God to respond.

Of course, it is possible that some (most?) of my prayers are not really prayers to God at all, but merely my immaturity kicking and screaming for what it wants. Yes, that might be the problem. However, I don’t like that possibility, so I reject it.

It could be, though, that my perception of God’s failing to do what I ask really boils down to messed up priorities and a messed up view of God. Maybe God isn’t in the business of doing precisely what I want. Maybe I am victimizing myself with selfish desires and then blaming God.

It is possible.

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