Posts Tagged: Teilhard de Chardin


“Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God.” (Teilhard de Chardin)

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.  (Philippians 4:4)

Tears are not a sign of God’s absence, but joy should be my default position.  Tears and sorrow are sometimes necessary, but I should get back to joy as soon as possible.  My sorrow will not automatically enhance God’s reputation or human wholeness.

And yet, I seem to be addicted to sorrow—sorry for my past evil deeds, sorrow for what I’ve thrown away, sorrow that I am not the Christ-follower I ought to be.

Today, by God’s grace, I will choose joy.  I will choose joy, even if it isn’t the easiest choice for me.  I will choose joy because it is more pleasant for other people to be around me when I am joy.  I will be joy today.  Yes!  I will be joy for my own sake, for the sake of others, and for the God I serve with joy.

Today, by God’s ever-available grace, I will practice the fine art of joy.  Who knows?  If I practice it for a long time, I might get good at it!

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