Posts Tagged: Psalm 139:14

“Fearfully and Wonderfully Made”

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Wonderful are your works;

my soul knows it very well.” (Psalm 139:14, English Standard Version)

I have so many good relationships, good work that I get to do, and good things.  And yet, I continually struggle with regret and resentment.  I really need an attitude adjustment.

I just reached out, took my coffee cup by the handle, and had a sip.  Then, I put the cup back on the mug rug.  . . .  There!  I did it again!

These are amazing and complex actions.  They involve all kinds of muscles, the names of which I don’t even know.  These actions took forethought.  In addition, there is hand and eye coordination.

To be able to do these things without anyone helping me is an amazing grace.  I have been doing these wondrous things for decades.  Why am just now noticing their wonder?

When I am inclined to be a willing prisoner to my own feelings of incompetence, when I am gripped by regrets and resentments, I need to meditate on some small, but wonderful thing.  I may soon realize that this “small” thing isn’t small at all, just wonderful.

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