Posts Tagged: Proverbs 28:7

“My Eating Addiction: Playing the Short Game”

“The one who keeps the law is a son with understanding, but a companion of gluttons shames his father.” (Proverbs 28:7, English Standard Version)

“Help my friend to savor his food, because savoring is the opposite of gluttony.” (A friend who prayed with and for me over the phone.)

I was blindsided by the second half of the verse.  What!?!  You mean to tell me that the opposite of keeping God’s Law, God’s Instruction, is gluttony?!  That can’t possibly be right!

So, I checked it out in Hebrew.  Yep!  That does seem to be what it says.  How dismaying.

I see now, as I have seen before, that my eating addiction is, in many ways, even more serious than my other addictions—even more serious than my “major” addiction.  Food (particularly sweets) was likely my original gateway drug.  For sure now, overeating tends to lead my mind in directions that I know it should not go.  So, I have to stop thinking that this is not a serious matter.  It is.

I can’t change my eating attitudes and behaviors for the rest of my life, or even, for the rest of this day.  What I can do is to change my attitudes and behaviors for the next little while.  Being a serialist writer of good, short stories about my life is my best shot at making a big difference in my life.  And these short stories are not written with a pen or a keyboard, but with consistent attitudes and actions.

What story will you write today, dear reader?

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