Posts Tagged: play



Yesterday, I had a lot to do.  Quite a few things didn’t get done—on purpose!

My wife is taking care of her mom, who has a lot of health problems.  So, each week, my wife is gone for several days.

Her mom lives about an hour away from us, so I don’t get up there very often.  Too busy.

However, sometimes I decide that my TO DO list shouldn’t be in all caps.

This week, my wife and I were talking on the phone about the middle of her time away at her mom’s.  She mentioned that my mother-in-law would love to see me.  (I think my wife meant that she would also be glad to see me, but I figured that I had better just assume this.)  I told my wife that, no, I was too busy.

As soon as I hung up, I felt that gentle nudge that I often suspect is God.  “You’re not too busy.  You need to go up there,” said the Nudge.

I don’t think I would have gone (despite the Nudge), if it had not been for a story a friend of mine told me the other day.  He was playing a game with his granddaughter that she had invented.  She is a toddler, and toddlers invent some of the most wonderful games.  This one involved her running over to a door, touching it, and running back to her grandpa, who would then scoop her up.  It involved a lot of giggling on the part of the participants.  It sounded as if this game for two involved two winners.

Later in the day, after they had been playing, the adults (including grandpa) were having a nice adult holiday meal.  The door-touching giggle box did not seem to recognize this “adults-only” aspect.  She came to her grandpa, grabbed his finger, and tried to pull him off his seat at the table.  It was time to play.  It didn’t take him very long to get the message!

So, because of God’s nudging and my friend’s story, I got in the car and drove to the home of mother-in-law, visited for a couple of hours, and headed back home.

Some things on my list didn’t get done yesterday, but it was a good day!

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