Posts Tagged: paradox

“Love and Obey”

There is an old Christian hymn entitled “Trust and Obey”. It is a good hymn. But there also needs to be a hymn (and there probably is one) entitled “Love and Obey”.

In the YouVersion the verse of the day for November 2, 2021, is John 14:21:

“Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me. And because they love me, my Father will love them. And I will love them and reveal myself to each of them.” (New Living Translation)

We sometimes say that God’s love is “unconditional”. In a deep sense, that is absolutely true. God loves us just because!

However, this teaching of Jesus in John 14:21 points out that the opposite is also true. How are we to resolve this paradox?

I am not convinced that we can, or even that we should, resolve any paradox. I think we just have to live with them. Truth usually has multiple aspects. Truths are a little like a sweater, made with various threads. You can unravel them, but if you do you longer have anything useful, just a pile of fabric.

God loves us unconditionally, but if we wish to experience that love in a deep and meaningful way, we need to do what God says.

My wife loves me unconditionally. Yes, she does! However, if I wish to experience that love, I need to do what she says. And she is not unreasonable in what she says that I should do. Neither is God.

Knowing or having or accepting Jesus’ commandments doesn’t mean much if we don’t obey them. Do you want to know Jesus better? Then experiment with obedience! I know and value study, but the ultimate Bible study tool is doing what God says.

I think I’ll experiment with obeying God myself. All day, every day!

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