Posts Tagged: our response to God’s love




For better or worse (or both?), I think analogically.  Perhaps all human thinking is analogical, but that is way beyond me.

As I was driving to my twelve-step meeting this morning, the thought occurred to me that living in the love of God is rather like driving a car.  The analogy is almost an allegory, valid even in the nitty-gritty details.

I did not build the car I am currently driving.  Indeed, Sharon was the main provider of the car, since she was working full-time when “we” purchased it, and I was not.

Similarly, I do not make God love me.  Yet, I have all too frequently acted as if I needed to do so—as if I need to make the God who is love (1 John 4:8) do what he already is!  What stupid arrogance!  It would be comical, if were not so serious.

And yet, if I get in my car and just sit there, I will not go anywhere.  The love of God is not an inert substance.  It’s goal is to energize us for holy, disciplined, loving living, and this requires our interaction.

Furthermore, there are other drivers on the road, and I need to take them into account.  I need to be careful and courteous.

John, in his first letter, repeatedly connects God’s love for us with how we treat others.  In 1 John 4:1-21 (whence came the quote about God being love), John makes it clear that love of God and love of other people cannot be divorced.

No doubt, you’ve seen the sign “HOW’S MY DRIVING?”  Sometimes the question is followed by a phone number you can call, if you see anything unsafe or discourteous.  Perhaps I need to wear a shirt that says “HOW’S MY LIVING?”  What would my tee shirt say after these words?  Perhaps, “COMPLAIN TO GOD IF YOU SEE ME LIVING UNSAFELY OR DISCOURTEOUSLY!”  Or better, “CALL ME ON IT IF YOU SEE ME LIVING UNSAFELY OR DISCOURTEOUSLY!”

The analogy between the love of God and driving a car could be pressed much further, I suspect.  However, I think I’ll just mention one more item, which I will put in the form of a question: Am I driving God’s love in a distracted manner?  Distracted driving is a serious matter.  So is distracted living.  Unless I keep God’s love front and center in my life, I will be distracted.  And the only worse thing that distracted driving of a vehicle is distracted living.

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