Posts Tagged: on watching my children sleep

“So Frail a Dwelling”

Sometimes, when our children were little, I would go into their room when they were asleep. Of course, the toys had not been put away, despite my repeated admonition to do so. However, they looked so peaceful that I just stood still, thinking of how grateful I was for them. They probably never knew, nor will they probably ever know.

A story is told of the founder of the Jewish Hasidic Movement, who was usually referred to as “the Great Maggid” (“the Great Preacher). The Great Maggid sometimes went into his disciples’ room as they were sleeping, and looked at them in love. Once, when he looked at one of his disciples, Rabbi Zalman, the Great Maggid said to himself, “Miracle of miracles that so great a God lives in so frail a dwelling.”

Paul, who often spoke us of being “in” Christ, or of Christ being “in” us, made a similar point. “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us” (2 Corinthians 4:7).

All we see is the frail dwelling, the jars of clay. But God sees more. And God not only sees. God inhabits us. We are possessed, but not in the negative way that this word is usually used.

Yes, the dwelling is frail. As if I needed another reminder, I have a blood clot causing me problems right now. Frail indeed!

But wherever the King is, there is a palace, no matter how frail the superstructure may be.

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