Posts Tagged: hatred

“Racism, Hate and Listening”


A friend of mine sent me the link to an op-ed his dad wrote.  Here is the link:

You probably need to read the op-ed at the link above.  Then, the rest of this blog will make more sense.


Here is the e mail I sent to my friend, Will.

Dear Will,

This is an incredibly powerful piece of writing.

My fear is that we have stopped listening to one another in this country.  Perhaps we never were listening.  Perhaps listening has always been just another word for “mentally rehearsing what we already know—or think we know—while the other person is still talking.”

Please forward this e mail to your dad.  Tell him that I am trying to not just become an angry liberal, and that I will pray for him and for your entire family.  Ask him to also pray for me, that I will not become just as hateful as the “artist” who drew these symbols of hatred.  Hatred, even toward those who hate, is still hatred.  If I indulge in hate, hate wins.  Your dad is right.

Warm (and, I hope, Loving) Regards,

Tomorrow: An ancient story about a modern problem: Wages!



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