Posts Tagged: good memories


“I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.” (Exodus 20:2)

Today, in my gratitude list, I listed back to back two similar that were similar, yet very different.

“Memories that warm.

Memories that warn.”

There are truly good memories.  And then there are memories that merely make you feel good for a little while, but then leave a bitter after-taste.  These latter “good” memories are not good.  A memory that leaves you colder is a shortcut that leads to long regrets.

However, the truly good memories are just that: good memories.  And they are to be cherished.

But the bad memories are also to be cherished.  They help us to be humble, and to not make more bad decisions that will lead to more bad memories and long regrets.  These warning memories also make us more empathetic and compassionate toward others.

Memories that warm and memories that warn both play a crucial part in being fully human.  However, I should try to live so that I have more warming memories.

Here is an affirmation that you might find helpful today: Today, by God’s grace, I choose to remember the things that warm my heart, and the things that warn my heart.  I am consistently choosing today to make good memories, so that I may be more warmed than warned.  I’ve had plenty of warnings already.

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