Posts Tagged: Genesis 1:31

“They’re so Pretty!”

I was out taking a walk this afternoon.  A young lady was out in her yard with her two daughters, probably about seven years old and four or so.  The older girl was pointing out something above her and saying how beautiful it was.  I thought at first that she was pointing at a tree in their yard.  I didn’t see anything especially beautiful about the tree, but I was happy that the girls did.  Made me look at the tree more appreciatively.

However, then I realized that the girls were enjoying the beauty of something beyond the tree, apparently a bird.  I turned to see . . . a turkey buzzard!  Actually, there were several of them.

“They are so beautiful!” exclaimed the older girl.

At my age, you assume that the buzzards might be looking for you.  My foot was hurting, and I was moving pretty slowly.  However, I thought of that famous line from a Monty Python movie, “I’m not dead yet!”

So, buzzards are beautiful?

Well, as a matter of fact they are.  And not only are they beautiful; they are also useful.  I heard someone say one time that if it were not for buzzards and other scavengers, the world would be overrun with disease within a generation or so.

And besides, the Scripture is unequivocal.  When God looked at everything he had made, it was very good (Genesis 1:31).  Apparently, God did not say, “Everything is good—except for buzzards.”

But you don’t have to be God or little girls to see everything as good.  Eyesight can be trained.  We can choose to see beauty.

I think I’ll make that choice in this moment.


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