Posts Tagged: forever


I was whining around to my sweetheart about the fact that I haven’t read all the scholarly articles and books that I should have read.  Of course, the question that might be asked is this: Who has read all the scholarly books and articles?  However, this is cold comfort.  “The heart knows its own bitterness.” (Proverbs 14:10a)

Then, whether as a dodge or as a wise word, I added, “Well, there is eternity, I suppose.”

And the love of my life said, “And you don’t have to do forever right now!”

Now that was a wise saying!

I am not sure what Ecclesiastes 3:11 means when it says, “God . . . has planted eternity in the human heart . . . .”  But I do know that verse 11 comes after verses 1-10.  (See!  I really am pretty sharp!)  And verses 1-10 talk about how there is an appropriate time for all things.  God may have planted eternity in our hearts, but God has planted us in time.

A time for everything?  Well, not exactly.  Not even the Preacher of Ecclesiastes (who was the skeptics skeptic) said that there was a time for regrets about the past or worries about the future.

And I suspect that the author of Ecclesiastes would agree with my wife that “you don’t have to do forever right now.”



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