Posts Tagged: Editing reality

“Of Bodily Functions and the Lust to Edit”

Our little dog has her own ideas about the timing for her bodily functions. This morning when I took her out, she did one of them. I brought her back in and took her leash off. Before I could even begin pealing my banana, she was at the kitchen door, letting me know that she wanted to go back out again. Sometimes, she wants to go outside and do her business, and sometimes, she just wants to go outside. I was a little irritated. After all, I needed to write a blog post, study Spanish and head out to softball practice—important stuff! Why couldn’t she get her act together and be more efficient?!

Sometimes, a small crack in the wall lets you know that you have a serious problem with your foundation. God brought to my mind the fact that I spend a lot more time trying to edit reality than I spend living in reality. The truth is, I am a wannabe editor of everything and everyone.

Ouch! Like many of my insights, this one was unwelcome.

What would happen if I were to resign my volunteer position as editor of the universe?

Well, for one thing, I think I would be happier. The job doesn’t pay well, and it costs a lot. Besides, do you have any idea how stressful this volunteer position is? For some reason, reality is a very stubborn thing. It resists my editing continually. I get tired of being an editor. My wife would be happier, too, I think.

And also, my little dog would be a lot happier. Maybe I would be too.

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