Posts Tagged: doing more


 I recently read these words from the theologian Paul Tillich:

“You are accepted! … accepted by that which is greater than you and the name of which you do not know. Do not ask the name now, perhaps you will know it later. Do not try to do anything; perhaps later you will do much. Do not seek for anything, do not perform anything, and do not intend anything. Simply accept the fact you are accepted.”

But accepting acceptance isn’t simple to do, is it?  At least, accepting acceptance is not simple for the vast majority of us.  Most of us tend to put an “if” or a “when” in our acceptance.  And, for most of us, the if never is fulfilled and the when never comes.  Even if the if is fulfilled and even when the when does come, we are pounced on by another if or when.  No, accepting acceptance is not simple.

Maybe my basic problem is what has been called “the performance trap.”  I think that I have to perform at a certain level (and a very high level at that) in order to be acceptable.  Maybe I need to learn a lesson from very small children or my dog.  They don’t seem to worry a lot about performance or acceptance.  Or, at least, they don’t worry about these things until they are taught to do so.

Perhaps my basic problem is that I don’t so much need to learn any new truth.  Rather, I need to unlearn some old untruths.  The untruths that I am not accepted, that I am not acceptable, that I have to do something in order to be acceptable—all these and more—need to be kicked (or carried) to the curb.

It is definitely spring now.  It is time for spring cleaning.  A mental and spiritual spring cleaning is in order.  I need to set out my mental and spiritual trash.  That is what is called by the old-fashioned term “confession.”  The God of the universe is humble enough to haul it all away.  That is what is called by the old-fashioned name “forgiveness.”

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