Posts Tagged: Close calls on the highway

“On Hitting a Bump in the Road Instead of a Wall”

I had a very close call on the road last night.

I was coming home from waiting tables at Bob Evans, Kenwood.  It had been raining, and I was coming down Muchmore Road near Plainville.  I guess I took a curve too fast, and the curve very nearly took me.  I lost control of the car, and was headed for a solid stone wall.  If I had hit it, I would almost certainly have been seriously injured.  Even a thirty-mile-per-hour collision with an immovable object is a serious matter when you’re driving a Hyundai Accent.

However, at the last second my wheels hit a large bump that I suppose was the edge of a concrete water diversion channel.  This had two effects: It slowed the car a bit, and (more importantly) threw the car back onto the road.  I drove the car home—slowly.

Sometimes life itself is like that.  We are tooling along, driving too fast for road conditions.  We lose control (or did we ever have control?), and are headed for a serious meeting with a solid wall and maybe a meeting with our Maker.  But something diverts us at the last second.  We hit a bump in the road that slows us down and throws us back on the road.

Perhaps we don’t actually see the wall we were about to hit.  If we don’t, then we may curse the bump in the road.  “Why did I not get that job?!” we ask.  “Why did that person reject me?” we whine.

But it’s the bumps in the road that are often God’s messengers—our guardian angels, if you will—that save us.

So, today I will give thanks for all the bumps in my life.  Who knows?  They may all save me from a fatal crash.

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