Posts Tagged: being the kind of person you would like to be around

“Being the Kind of Person I’d Like to be Around”

My sponsee in one of my 12-step groups often invites me into some of my best thinking and living. Here is a quote from him in his report from last night: “I’m the kind of person I’d like to be around.” What wonderful statement! What a wonderful reality!

Of course, there are people who like to be around really bad people. You can see the first verse of Psalm 1 for the kind of people who are not so good to be around. There is some truth in the old saying that “a man is known by the company he keeps.”

However, I suspect most people want to hang out with kind, loving, thoughtful people. However, to be like that ourselves is a lot trickier and more difficult. It sounds like sacrifice and hard work. It sounds like that because it is.

We had four children, and they were just fine. But one of the first words that each one of them learned was not “mamma” or “daddy,” but “MINE!” Some of us are not just born “miners”. We live and die as “miners”.

So, here is an affirmation and prayer for this or any day: “Today, by God’s grace, I am and am becoming the kind of good person I’d like to be around.”

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