Posts Tagged: being in good physical shape

“Mixed Messages”

“Another day, another drumstick” (the slogan for ice cream drumsticks).

So, this anime character is getting a tattoo of an ice cream drumstick on his chest.

Sounds like the beginning of a really bad joke, right? It isn’t. It is part of an advertisement for drumsticks.

The ironic thing is that, juxtaposed with drumsticks (both the tattooed one and a “real” one) is an anime guy with a washboard abdomen. I would love to be in better shape physically, so this commercial makes me want to petition my wife to buy drumsticks the next time she is at Kroger.

However, there may be some mixed messaging going on here. Is a drumstick per day really the way to keep the flabbiness away? I have my doubts.

This invited me to think about how those of us who claim to follow Christ may be giving mixed messages to others. And, as in most cases, I sooner or later get around to asking myself (as one of “. . . those of us who claim to follow Christ . . .”) some hard questions.

  • Do I say one thing and do another?
  • Do I say and not do at all?
  • Do I say and not do consistently?
  • Do I even say the right thing to begin with?
  • If I were accused of being a Christ-follower, would there be enough evidence to convict me or even to indict me?

Am I mixed message, like a guy in excellent physical condition who eats a drumstick each day? Of course, if you work out diligently and eat only one drumstick each day, you might be in good shape. Maybe I’ll get me wife to buy those drumsticks after all!

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