Posts Tagged: being enough on my own

“Enough Already!“”

I have never felt like I was enough—at anything. A sense of inadequacy pervades everything I am and do. Sorry to be so brutally out front about this, but there it is.

I’ve decided, just today, that I don’t have to be sufficient or adequate in any area of my life. At least, I don’t have to be sufficient or adequate on my own. That last phrase (“on my own”) is the crucial one.

Since the Garden of Eden, people have been trying to make their way in the world on their own. Do I need to tell you that this has not gone well? No, you’ve probably noticed.

We were not designed to “make it on our own.” We were made to help one another. Above all, we were made to be helped by God. To paraphrase a quote from a St. Augustine prayer, “Our hearts are inadequate until they find their adequacy in thee.” God is the source of our adequacy, our sufficiency, our enough-ness.

God called Moses to go back to Egypt to lead God’s people, Israel, out of slavery. “I’m not enough, LORD,” said Moses. And of course, he was right. But God said to Moses, “I am your enough-ness!”

Jeremiah was called to be a prophet to Judah and the gentile nations. Jeremiah said that he wasn’t old enough. God said, “Shut up and prophesy!”

In discussing his gospel ministry, the Apostle Paul asked, “Who is sufficient for these things?” The answer that he expected was, “No one! Certainly not me!” But then, Paul said, “But our sufficiency is from God.”

So, I have resigned from my quest to be enough. It is not a godly quest, because it is not quest for God. Enough already! God is enough for me, for you, for the whole human race. In fact, God is more than enough.

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