I just watched two characters “die” on reruns of two of my favorite TV shows—“The Big Bang Theory” and “NCIS”.  This is particularly difficult because my sweet princess is gone for the night.  Now, I have to cry myself to sleep all by myself.  Poor, pitiful me!

Actually, I didn’t see either of them “die” on camera.  However, it still feels sad.  But then, I get sad very easily.

Howard Wolowitz’s mother simply went to sleep while visiting her sister in Florida, and never woke up.  That’s a good way to go, I guess, if there is any good way to go.

Agent Reeves, however, was shot to death protecting Abby during a robbery.  I was never that attached to his character, but now that he’s gone, I’m sad.  I miss him.  And of course, there is the English accent.

But it occurs to me that real people also fill a niche, even when we don’t know them well, even when we may not like them a lot.  Perhaps everyone fills a niche in our hearts, and we fill a niche in their hearts as well.

The Apostle Paul said that if one believer suffers, all believers suffer (1 Corinthians 12:26).  But perhaps this isn’t just true for believers.  Maybe it’s true for everyone.

I don’t know about you, but I feel exceedingly unimportant most of the time.  Yes, I know, it’s just a feeling.  It may be very far from the truth.  Still, it is what I feel sometimes.

However, maybe I should dare to believe that, just as others—even fictional characters on tv—have a place in my heart, so I have a place in the hearts of others.

We can choose to cherish other niche-y people, and we can fill our own place in their hearts with as much faithfulness as we can.  We are all in this thing together, this thing called life.  We need to play our parts well.

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