On Being (without Being Techy)

I just had to look up the word “techy!”  This is not a good omen for a first-time blogger or that blogger’s first post.

However, . . .

Perhaps a non-techy, old person can still learn a few things about “modern technology.”  This might be true, even if he thinks that modern technology is a salt shaker.

So, what does it mean to be a “down-to-earth believer?”  For me it means being as real as I can be at any given moment.  But I have discovered that being real is hard work.  Indeed, I find it impossible to be real without the empowerment of God.  A friend of mine said many years ago, “The Christian life is difficult to live without God.”  The obvious never suffers for being repeated.

So, this blog is by a Christian.  Am I conservative or evangelical or liberal?

I do not use those terms any more.  I have not changed my basic beliefs, though I have changed in my understanding of those basic beliefs.  Be that as it may, the terms “conservative,” “evangelical,” and “liberal” have been used for such a wide variety of theological, social, and political positions that they don’t mean much anymore.  As someone has said, “If a word means too much, it means nothing.”

So, what will this blog be about?

It will be about God, the Bible, you, me, and intensely practical things.  It will contain (hopefully) helpful things for you, funny stories, sad stories, links to funny videos on You Tube (primarily starring dogs).  It will, in short, be a jumbled-up closet of things which I set out for me and for you.

A few minutes ago, a guy stopped and hauled off an old grill from the end of our driveway.  I hope that our junk is his treasure.  I felt lighter, and I hope that he gets some use from it.

I may be setting out some really good things for you, and some of it may be junk.  Hopefully, we’ll both benefit from some of the things I set out.  As we say in twelve-step groups, “Take what you like, and leave the rest.”

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