“This Blessed Moment”

2Cor. 6:1 ¶ Working together with him, then, we appeal to you not to receive the grace of God in vain.

2Cor. 6:2 For he says,

             “In a favorable time I listened to you,

                        and in a day of salvation I have helped you.” (English Standard Version)

¶ Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.

There is a commercial that has a tagline that goes something like this: “When you’re ready to live in the now.” Of course, that is really the only time that anyone can live, isn’t it? However, I am forever tempted to rewrite the past and/or fantasize about the future. Meanwhile, the present stands patiently in front of me, smiling a rather sad smile of regret for my chosen form of stupidity.

I replied to my 12-step sponsee’s report today. He was talking about the importance of the present, and I can only say, “Amen to that, my brother!” I wrote to him as follows:

“Having returned from sunny Sarasota to Ohio, I am also learning that life and God and myself happen where we are, when we are, and as we are. This moment is blessed and is a blessing. I am blessed by receiving it with gratitude and using it well.”

Of course, even though this moment is blessed, it may not be pleasant. Blessings are not always pleasant. The equating of the two is itself unreal and leads to more unreality. Having had a few close brushes with death, I can admit with absolute candor that the moments when you’re pretty sure you’re going to die are blessed, but not pleasant. “Present” may rhyme with “pleasant”, but that doesn’t mean that they are identical twins.

So, how do I live in the Now? I suspect that we usually know the answer to that question before we even ask it. However, living in the Now often involves pain. Right now, as I write this post, my hands are hurting and I want to go back to bed, even though I’ve had a good night’s sleep. Nevertheless, . . .

I don’t know what your own Now looks like right now. It may be incredibly painful or remarkably joyful. Most likely, it is like March weather in the Midwest: Sometimes, it feels like May and the next day, you are back in February. But this much I do know. The only place you and I can live is here, right now, and as we are.

That is where God is, too.

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