“What I Can Do Better than God”

I have been struggling with the idea of surrendering to God here of late. It seems as if everything I read or hear is asking me to give up every attempt to be in charge. Even the bone spurs in my right heel are screaming at me about surrender.

Also, I began rereading an old book, published in 1952, called The Christians Secret of a Happy Life. You’ll never guess what the book is about. Okay, I’ll tell you. It is about surrendering your entire self and life to God. I was hoping that the “secret” would be something else.

So, I whined to my significant other, “You know, I don’t like the idea of giving everything over to God.” She shot back with an exceedingly helpful question. “So, what do you think you can do better than God can?”

Ouch! They say that truth hurts. And they know what they are talking about—whoever “they” may be.

As I understand the Bible, humankind has wanted to be in charge since shortly after our creation. I don’t think that it has worked out very well. Since I am human, I also participate in this nonsense.

But my wife’s question keeps echoing in my mind. What can I do better than God? Why am I afraid to surrender everything to God? What do I think God is going to do that is not precisely the right thing? Wouldn’t I want those “God things” to happen if I had a lick of sense?

And why not try it, in any case? After all, I haven’t done such a hot job of running my own life. Ruining it, maybe; but not running it. Maybe, just maybe, God would do a better job.

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