“The God to Whom We Pray: The God Who Listens, Looks, and Loves”

Our virtual church community group is working our way through a study guide on Prayer. The study is called “TALK,” and it is very helpful.

Last night, we were discussing that fact that we need to not simply talk in our prayers. We also need to listen. Many good comments were made during the discussion. My wise (and concise) wife summed it up this way: “God listens, looks, and loves.”

Yes indeed! One of the reasons why we so often feel that God is not answering our prayers is because he is such a good listener. He listens until he has heard it all. Of course, God already knew what was going on with us and with those people we love and those things we care about. But we don’t know that God listens until we’ve said everything we have to say. It takes a while to say it all.

God also looks. He looks at the person praying, and not simply at the prayer. To be ignored is a horribly hurtful thing. I know this first-hand. Probably, everyone has had the experience. But, although God may seem invisible to us, we are not invisible to God. The praying person is seen.

And God loves. It is because God loves us so much that he listens and looks. God listens in love, God looks in love. God is madly in love with us. And God’s loving madness is our sanity.

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