“In Praise of Gruggles”

What, you ask, are “gruggles”?!

“Gruggles” is a word I made up in conjunction with a friend who may or may not want to share the birthing of such a bizarre word. “Gruggles” is a blend word. It’s a bit like “smog” (smoke + fog), or “staycation” (stay + vacation).  “Gruggles” is a word that combines the idea of growth with the idea of struggles.”  Hence, “gruggles”!

My friend and I were talking about how we have the same issues that we deal with over time.  I used the word “struggles”, but he preferred the word “growth”.  So, I took it on myself to coin the word gruggles.

I suspect that all growth is related to struggles.  I wish that there was a way we could simply go to bed and grow, and maybe there is.  However, I haven’t yet discovered it.  (God knows I’ve tried!)

I thought about quoting a lot of Bible verses at this point in the post, but do I really need to do that?  Common sense and our experience repeats this truth over and over.  The only thing that doesn’t take struggle of one kind or another is death.

No struggle; no growth.  Thank God for gruggles!

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