“Ready! Set! Go!”

I grew up on a farm.  It could get pretty wet and muddy in places, especially in the spring time.  I vaguely remember (when I was a little guy) getting stuck in the mud.  (I can still sometimes be a stick in the mud, but that is another story for another post.)

I tried to get out of my dilemma on my own.  I wiggled and pulled.  But it seemed as if the harder I struggled, the further I sank.  Finally, my mom came to the rescue.  She had told me not to walk “over there.”  Of course, at age three or four, I already knew better than my mom.  I had decided to find out what was wrong with “over there.”  I found out.

Today, I read a twelve-step meditation that was about getting out of the mud—and then some!  It makes use of Psalm 40:2-3.

The meditation used the King James Version.

“He brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock and established my goings.” The first part, “He brought me up out of a horrible pit,” means that by turning to God and putting my problems in His hands, I am able to overcome my sins and temptations. “He set my feet upon a rock” means that when I trust God in all things, I have true security. “He established my goings” means that if I honestly try to live the way God wants me to live, I will have God’s guidance in my daily living.

Prayer for the Day

I pray that my feet may be set upon a rock. I pray that I may rely on God to guide my comings and goings.”

From Twenty-Four Hours a Day © 1975 by Hazelden Foundation.”

Good stuff!  In a sense, we expect too little of God.  God wants to rescue us from the mud in which we are stuck.  Yes, he does!  But God wants to do so much more.  God wants to set our feet on solid ground.  Then he wants us to walk.

And, of course, God wants us to stay out of the mud.  My mom was pretty merciful to me for disobeying her.  If I had gone right back to the mud, judgment would have fallen upon my little posterior very rapidly.

Let a Power Greater than Myself get me out of the mud: Ready!

Let that Power place me on firm ground: Set!

Walk: Go!

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